My practice focuses on defending clients accused of federal crimes. I handle cases from the pre-charging stage all the way through trial, sentencing, and the appellate process. Many clients come to me after they have been convicted, as I have a reputation for spotting arguments that may have been missed and presenting briefs that persuasively show the unfairness of the trial or sentencing proceedings. I also occasionally represent clients in state courts, usually in “white-collar” cases and appeals.
While much of my practice focuses on financial crimes, I handle all types of matters, from murder and RICO to computer hacking and political corruption, and pretty much everything in between; my clients range from the wealthy and famous to the homeless and forgotten. I do not shy away from difficult cases or controversial clients and accept some court appointments pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act, typically in complex appeals and death penalty cases. Not only is such service important to our criminal justice system, but it also benefits all of my clients. Consistent practice in the courts enhances my ability to make the numerous judgment calls that are a fundamental part of every representation, and staying on the cutting edge in a strong mix of cases promotes the legal creativity that is needed to win a federal criminal trial or appeal. The key to a successful representation is a broad base of knowledge in the field so that novel issues can be developed and hidden weaknesses in the prosecution’s case can be exploited.
Defending federal criminal cases is a tough business. The government has tremendous power, resources, and leverage. Unfortunately, prosecutors are permitted to pile on charges thereby lessening the chance of a complete acquittal at trial, and judges are often required to impose excessive sentences. Winning on appeal is even more difficult. While my practice is extraordinarily challenging, I have relished the opportunity to navigate my clients through trying times and am grateful for the numerous successes that we have achieved over the last three decades, even in the face of such daunting circumstances. In my opinion, there is no more satisfying accomplishment in the legal profession than helping an individual to secure his freedom, especially when all hope may have been lost. I will continue to fight with integrity and determination to reunite my clients with their families and to right injustices in our system.